Thursday, October 6, 2011

I know... I know it's been forever and I believe I said that on my last post 2 months ago. I have been just so busy with school and now Ellie is crawling and pulling up on everything which is needing a lot of my attention so we don't end up with too many bruises.

I look at her and can hardly believe she is 8 months old already. She is babbling all the time but no actual first word yet. Although Grandma and Grandpa thought she said da da but Jason won't believe it until she says it at him. She's getting faster at crawling but I think she would really like to just forget about that and go right to walking. She's getting brave pulling herself up on things and starting to let go. We've had a couple spills but nothing that a little smooch from mom wont fix.

We headed up to Omaha last weekend for my birthday and to watch some Husker football. To bad they lost but it was still fun hanging out with family. My sister was able to come in town with her little guy Alex. He is 2 months old and such a little cutie. My cousin brought her baby who is only 5 weeks older than Ellie. They played so well together, standing up and banging there hands on chairs to make noise. They were both up until midnight and with little to no napping that evening. Let's just say Ellie was a little cranky on the way home.

Ellie and 2nd cousin Madelyn

Ellie and Alex

Although I went to Aldi's today and bought 3 pumpkins for $2.49 each. This weekend I think we may take Ellie to a pumpkin patch to pick out her first pumpkin. There is a pumpkin patch not far from our house and I think I need some pics of her in a field of pumpkins.