Saturday, October 30, 2010

Nursery is coming along

Today was such a beautiful day outside, 70 something with no wind which is rare for Kansas. We decided to work on the nursery furniture out side at Jason's parent's garage. We bought a crib and it should be here by or shortly after Thanksgiving. We went with a black finish because we knew we had other pieces to try and match up. Jason has been working all day on refinishing an armoire and a glider given to us by family. Tonight if he still has enough energy he plans to finish painting the wall in her room. We have the yellow taupe color painted on the 3 walls but wanted to make sure we were happy with the one pink wall. So really he just has the 1 wall to finish and then I need to put the finishing touches on it. I think I'm going to paint some swirls with glaze, we'll see how it turns out. I'm ready to get the hard parts done (painting and furniture) then I can finish setting little things up later.

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